The average house price on PICKERING ROAD is £126,233
The most expensive house in the street is 5 PICKERING ROAD with an estimated value of £148,585
The cheapest house in the street is 7 PICKERING ROAD with an estimated value of £111,878
The house which was most recently sold was 7 PICKERING ROAD, this sold on 30 Oct 2017 for £88,000
The postcode for PICKERING ROAD is TF2 7HQ
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
3 PICKERING ROAD Flats/Maisonettes £126,619 £83,000 26 Aug 2014
5 PICKERING ROAD Flats/Maisonettes £148,585 £83,000 21 Feb 2006
7 PICKERING ROAD Flats/Maisonettes £111,878 £88,000 30 Oct 2017
8 PICKERING ROAD Semi-Detached £127,040 £98,000 5 May 2017
11 PICKERING ROAD Semi-Detached £117,043 £64,000 9 Dec 2008